University of Exeter Press

Contes Américains

    • 88 Pages

    These three tales, hailed by Diderot among others, but unpublished for over a century (and in one case for nearly two centuries), are a fictional exploration of Otherness and the intercultural set in the New World, either among native Americans (Abenakis, Iroquois) or runaway slaves in Jamaica befriended by Quakers. They argue powerfully for a reassessment of the philosophe Saint-Lambert, since they represent a significant contribution to the anti-slavery debate of the time and to a consideration of cultural relativity, revitalised by recent postcolonial discourses.

    This title is Volume 99 in the series Exeter French Texts/Textes littéraires. It includes an introduction, select bibliography and essential notes, all in French.

    These three tales, unpublished for over a century (and in one case for nearly two centuries), are a fictional exploration of Otherness and the intercultural set in the New World, either among native Americans (Abenakis, Iroquois) or runaway slaves in Jamaica befriended by Quakers.

    'A worthwhile addition to this useful series.' (Modern Language Review, Issue 95 no. 2, 2000)

    Frontispice: "Titre-planche" du Traite de la couleur de la peau humaine de Claude-Nicolas Le Cat, Amsterdam, 1765


    Portrait (anonyme) de Saint-Lambert


    Carte de l'Amerique septentrionale, 1743


    Les Deux Amis: conte iroquois

    Chutes du Niagara, Hennepin, 1698, Davies, 1768

    Poemes en prose

    Un ecrivain genereux

    Note technique

    Bibliographie selective

    Dessin de Pessin

    Contes Americains; L'Abenkai


    Les Deux Amis: Conte Iroquois


    A Commentaire sur le frontispice

    B Extraits des Incas de Marmontel

    C Note de Saint-Lambert a un vers des Saisons

    D Saint-Lambert, Reflexions sur... l'etat des Negres

    E Extraits des Lettres iroquoises de Maubert de Gouvest

    F Memoire (anonyme) sur les Iroquois

    suivi d'extraits du journal de Bougainville

    G Preceptes de Saint-Lambert sur l'amitie

    Roger Little is Profesor of French at Trinity College, Dublin.