Self-Archiving Policy (‘Green’ Open Access)
University of Exeter Press supports green Open Access publishing. This enables authors to share or archive the author’s version of their publication in various ways. If you wish to make the final published version of your book or chapter available under Open Access, please see our Open Access Policy.
Self-Archiving Policy Definitions
Accepted Manuscript (AM)
This is the version of the work accepted for publication. This version includes amendments from peer review, but is before editing and design/typesetting by University of Exeter Press.
Version of Record (VOR)
The formally published version of the work, after copyediting, typesetting and formatting by University of Exeter Press.
After publication, authors may self-archive one chapter from the Accepted Manuscript to their personal website, a not-for-profit repository, or a university/institution (of which they are a member of faculty) repository.
Edited Volumes
After publication, each individual author or contributor may self-archive their chapter from the Accepted Manuscript to their personal website, a not-for-profit repository, or a university/institution (of which they are a member of faculty) repository.
On the first page of the uploaded Accepted Manuscript, please include the following statement and citation:
This is an Accepted Manuscript (draft, post-peer-review, pre-copyediting version) of a chapter published by University of Exeter Press in [BOOK TITLE] on [date of publication], available online:[COMPLETE URL TO YOUR BOOK]
Please include the link to the Version of Record on University of Exeter Press’s website when entering any associated metadata.
The following conditions apply:
- The final published version of record may not be deposited or re-published anywhere without seeking the permission of the publisher, unless the book (or book chapter) was published as Gold Open Access.
- A full citation is given as above.
- In the case of joint-authored works, it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain permission from co-authors for the work to be reused/republished.
Sharing and Reusing Your Work Summary
Can I? | Accepted Manuscript | Version of Record |
Deposit a chapter of my book in an institutional repository | Yes, on publication | No - please add metadata and a link to the Version of Record |
Share a chapter from my book on a personal website | Yes, on publication | No - please add metadata and a link to the Version of Record |
Upload a chapter from my book to a scholarly collaboration network | Yes, on publication | No - please add metadata and a link to the Version of Record |
Post a chapter from my book on social media | No, please post metadata linking to the Version of Record, or a link to the chapter of your Accepted Manuscript deposited in your institutional repository | |
Include a chapter from my book in a thesis or dissertation | Yes | Yes |
Use a chapter from my book in a grant application | Yes | Yes |
Reuse figures or extracts from my book or book chapter in future work | Yes | Yes |
Frequently asked questions about self-archiving
Who should I contact if I have questions about self-archiving?
Your commissioning editor.
Can I upload my Accepted Manuscript to Research Gate or
We do not currently support uploading to commercial web platforms such as Research Gate or